THERE have been letters in various publications recently regarding the possible re-opening of the Skipton-Colne line which, in common with many others, should never have been closed.

As we have discovered in different situations over the last year, 20/20 hindsight is wonderful! However, I have rarely, if ever, seen any proposals for dealing with the bottle-neck of Kildwick level crossing where, as I understand it, the barriers are down at peak times for up to 50 minutes in every hour.

This frequently results in traffic queues back to, and sometimes past, Kildwick roundabout on the A629 resulting in back-ups along the A629 both ways and also blocking access to Station Road (leading to Cross Hills Main Street) which itself frequently has slow moving traffic at peak times.

HGVs have to use the level crossing as they are banned from using both Station Road and the old main road through Steeton, their only alternative is to continue on the A629 to access the A59/56 corridor from the top of Skipton bypass.

The increase in rail traffic following the re-opening of the line, both freight and passenger, would exacerbate the present situation.

The option of bridge or tunnel on the footprint of the existing road over the level crossing is a non-starter as either of these would blight the houses on the south of the crossing and the industrial units to the north.

I would love to see what considerations have been made to address this situation.

Julian Hide
