I WOULD like to congratulate Philip Allott (Conservative) on being elected as Police Fire and Crime Commissioner for North Yorkshire. I would also like to thank the other candidates in the contest, Alison Hume (Labour) and James Barker (Lib. Dem).

I would through your publication like to thank you for your coverage of the campaign and take this opportunity to thank those who kindly voted for me.

As the Independent candidate I received 22,338 votes, coming in third which I am very proud of. I am grateful to the people who supported my campaign to try and get me elected to work for them and support the police and fire services of North Yorkshire.

I am sure we all want the police and fire services of North Yorkshire to be fully supported and resourced to be judged outstanding in every area at the next Government inspection.

I wish the new Police Fire and Crime Commissioner, Philip Allott, all the very best and will be looking to him to deliver on his election pledges for everyone who lives, works or visits North Yorkshire.

Keith Tordoff MBE

Independent Candidate for Police Fire and Crime Commissioner of North Yorkshire.