IN his rather cryptic letter, Paul Morley described himself as a member of the 'poor silent majority', and one of the 'decent people' of this country who is 'fearful of the vocal minorities' outbursts.' (Conservative Party reminds me of Strictly, Craven Herald letters, November 23).

The implication is that he is somehow privy to what most of the people of this country think and want in opposition to the noisy, presumably indecent, minorities..

The pitiful performance of the Conservatives in elections over the last 18 months is a good indication that the public do not agree with Conservative policies and is far more reliable as an indicator of the country's mood than Mr Morley's outlandish claim to know the Zeitgeist of the nation.

Mr Morley does not mention the minority groups of whom he is fearful (or why) but minorities are entitled to be vocal in demanding equal rights and to air their points of view. That is how positive change comes about in a democracy.

Free speech and public protest are an intrinsic part of what has been traditionally perceived as core British values. If the 'silent majority ' has concerns, then stop being silent and argue your point logically and expect to be challenged: I suggest as preparatory reading, that Mr Morley might benefit from browsing John Stuart Mill's 'On Liberty' which argues the case for free speech, minority rights and the danger of the tyranny of the majority rather well.

Dr. Martin White

Cross Hills.