I ATTENDED the Grassington Christmas markets on their second weekend of December 9.

Unlike the previous Saturday market which I understand was very cold with a layer of snow; this one was beset by driving rain and gale force winds!

I was astonished to see the stalwart stall holders bracing this weather, using poles to move the pools of water off their scant stall canopies for fear they would cave in; and to see such a vibrant atmosphere with a brass band and minstrel performers entertaining us in such challenging conditions.

It is to the absolute credit of organisers, volunteers, and those sellers, - and to the brave soul who was quite literally nearly airborne at the close of the market as the main tent took off; hanging on for dear life as the cavalry came running!

Because of their determination to ensure their Christmas market entertained us all, this event will stand out for me as utterly memorable. My heartfelt thanks to you all. (And of course to the Skipton markets who I'm told went through much the same thing. Well done!)

L Joy
