DESPITE the new large bins that have appeared in Skipton, rubbish is still blown or thrown around, with the area outside Boyes store, opposite the bus station, a notorious collecting point. Those of us who, as volunteers, do litter-picking stints, sigh and shake our heads as this careless disregard fort the environment, but we do it anyway, filling sacks with paper, plastic, glass and other items.

One area however, has been unreachable. Those of us who walk down Black Lane to and from the train station have witnessed with dismay the mounting piles of bottles, cans and packets on the railway property behind the wire fence. Most of it has clearly been thrown there, hurled over the fence. What to do? I have tried phone calls and letters. Presumably, others have done the same, to no avail, it seemed.

Then, wonder of wonders, it all disappeared. Bottles, cans, paper, the lot - all gone. Now shrubs, wild flowers and grass are visible. Birds can hop safely.

Well done Network Rail. It wasn't your rubbish, but you have at last removed it, filling goodness knows how many skips and bin bags. Well done also neighbouring Tesco, which has cleared up the cardboard that has stopped escaping from its yard.

The built environment is important and we all have a responsibility to care for it by not discarding litter in the first place, obviously, but more than that. I can't demand that everybody does litter-picking, but reflecting on what must have been a big job for Network Rail, I am grateful; that somebody from time to time rolls up their sleeves to clear up the mess that others have made. This action results in an environment that is both attractive and safe for us all.

Annette Bailey
