
  • Enjoy a scenic trip on the Harry Potter train

    A HERITAGE steam train will call at Long Preston on several Tuesdays over the summer to take passengers on a return journey over the spectacular Settle-Carlisle line. Several of the carefully-restored 1950s crimson carriages on The Pendle Dalesman

  • LETTER: Hostility towards cyclists on canal towpath

    FIRST of all I would like to congratulate the Canal and River Trust for the remarkable job of repairing the towpath between Kildwick and Skipton and to celebrate their success in attracting people to use and enjoy it. In many years of cycling to

  • Skipton school receives laptop donation from Sanctuary

    A SKIPTON school has received a donation of refurbished laptops from Sanctuary Group to support home learning for pupils. Greatwood Community Primary and Nursery School has received 10 laptops from the UK housing and care provider. As well as

  • Gargrave toilet group to hold its AGM

    AN action group which has managed to keep Gargrave public toilets open daily since January 1 including through the lockdowns is holding its AGM this Friday, March 12. The GNAT voluntary group (Gargrave Needs A Toilet) has been thanked by individuals