
  • Restored Dales peatland already benefitting wildlife

    A ONCE badly damaged, National Trust-owned peatland high up on the old West Riding and North Riding boundary is showing clear signs of healing, as contractors begin a fresh round of major restoration work. Some 12 years ago Cray Moss, located in

  • Settle young farmers triumph in public speaking contest

    SETTLE young farmers returned triumphant from a recent county-wide public speaking competition in Harrogate. Taking part in the Yorkshire Young Farmers Public Speaking contest at Harrogate High School, Settle District Young Farmers, which has just

  • Skipton man, 20, was in possession of amphetamine

    A SKIPTON man caught up in an altercation in the town centre was in possession of amphetamine, a court heard. Kieran Thornber, 20, was searched by police who were attending an incident in Newmarket Street on September 9 last year. He was found