Concerns have been raised about the number of pigeons nesting in a Skipton railway bridge.

The bridge in question crosses Keighley Road, close to Skipton Hospital.

Worried resident Joy Skipper claims baby pigeons are being injured and dying after falling from their nests and onto the road below.

Mrs Skipper, 55, said: "It needs to be boarded up so that the pigeons can't nest there. It's not just me; my neighbours have rescued lots of babies. Not only that, but there's so many pigeons nesting there, people are slipping on the droppings on the pavements below. It's pretty bad."

Resident Ken Bullock is also concerned about the pigeons.

"They're a pain in the backside. Old ladies complain it's like running a gauntlet going under that bridge. You never know what'll end up on your head. I definitely think it should be boarded up to stop them nesting there. It's a health hazard."

Mrs Skipper has been in contact with Craven District Council's environmental health department and rail operator Network Rail about the issue.

"I only see the one near me on a regular basis, but there are lots of bridges in Skipton which have this problem. Network Rail know about the problem and I can't see why they can't just board them up. There are people that are concerned about it but nothing's being done," she said.

A spokesman for Craven District Council said: "The bridge in question is owned by Network Rail and we will be contacting the organisation in order to try to find a resolution to this ongoing situation."

A spokesman for Network Rail said: "If there are people who are concerned they need to contact us through the helpline."

Network Rail's 24-hour helpline is 08457 114141.