THERE are so many things to consider in preparation for a wedding and all of them needs to be flawless on the big day.

This has become all too apparent as I myself prepare to be married next month!

It would be a tragedy on such an occasion for something catastrophic to happen, and if something does happen, the wedding could be remembered for all the wrong reasons.

In John’s gospel, Jesus attends a wedding celebration where wine was vital, even more so than wedding cake is in our weddings today; and yet somehow it runs out.

Careful preparation over many years should have ensured an ample supply on the big day; however something has gone amiss and now the family faced certain disgrace.

When Jesus provided the very best vintage wine in its abundance, he revealed something of God’s true nature towards us.

He is one who, rather than expose us to disgrace when we fall short of the mark, comes alongside and seeks to help us in our struggles; rather than giving us up to disgrace, he bestows upon us unmerited grace.

The passage tells us, after seeing this miracle, the disciples put their faith in him. Yes the miracle of water into wine was incredible, but the miracle of lavish grace is something which draws people to Christ. The Bible tells us while we were still sinners Christ died for the ungodly.

Whatever situation you are facing this week, great or small, in the busyness of wedding preparations or the more mundane routine, know that God is near. He is for you and always welcomes the humble and repentant, not throwing them to disgrace but showering them with his grace.

May you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ as you draw near to him this week.

Michael Hulland

The Champions Church, Skipton