All sorts market: The Friends of Victoria Hall have organised an all sorts market in the hall on Bank Holiday Saturday, August 24. It will be open between 9.30am and 4pm and refreshments will be served all day. For details, contact 01729 823867.

Pool draw: The Friends of Settle Swimming Pool have released the names of the July winners of the 200 Club draw. They were: No 81, D Burridge, £44.50; No 154, J Ronan, £27; No 10, N Ellis, £18.75

U3A enrolment: There will be a chance for coffee and a chat and to renew membership or enrol for the 2013-2014 season of U3A activities at the Victoria Hall today (Thursday) at 10.30am. The main purpose of U3A is to encourage life-long learning in those no longer in full time employment and new members are welcome.

Photographic Group: Settle Photographic Group’s town trail in and around the centre of Settle will start tomorrow (Friday) and runs until August 22, with pictures being displayed in shop windows. A map showing participating venues will be available from the Tourist Information Centre and shops along the route. The group hopes locals and visitors alike will enjoy the trail, which is aimed at being fun for all the family. The following week, the photographs will be gathered and displayed as a group at Clapham Village Hall. The exhibition will take place over the Bank Holiday weekend and will be open from 11am to 5pm each day (Saturday to Monday), with refreshments available. The group’s next meeting will take place on Monday, August 19, at 7.30pm at Town Head Court and new members are welcome. Following on from ideas explored at the June meeting, the theme for the gallery will be Motion. The second part of the evening will be a presentation by Alan Owens on the uses and possibilities of Lightroom.

Parish Church: Tomorrow (Friday) at 7.30pm there will be a talk and demonstration of Egyptian dancing, with an opportunity to take part. Admission is £4, with wine and nibbles, and all proceeds will go to church funds. Next Sunday, August 18, the church will lend its support to the Jane Tomlinson Walk for All by selling refreshments throughout the day to walkers and supporters, locals and visitors. Call in to enjoy home-made delights and a refreshing drink. To celebrate the centenary of the Binns organ, a series of organ recitals is being held at the church. These will take place over the next year and will feature music written during the 100 years since the organ was installed in 1913. The first recital is being held on Saturday, August 24, at 7.30pm when the organist will be renowned local musician and composer Paul Fisher. This concert will include British and French music written between 1910 and 1920 and will feature pieces by Vaughan Williams, Parry, Howells, Vierne and Dupre. Admission is free with a retiring collection.

Meet the Makers: Dales Angels is holding a Meet the Makers day at the Friends Meeting House on Saturday, between 10am and 3pm. This is a chance to come along and meet the people behind some of the array of goods for sale in Dales Angels. There will be vintage items from Effie May and a range of art work, crafts and photographs on sale as well as fair trade Namaste goods, crystals, sculptures and items made by local craftworkers. There will also be live music by local folk group, The Moonbeams.

Music evening: Settle Music will present an evening of music at Poppies on Saturday, featuring Dead Man’s Uke. Tickets are available from Settle Music, priced at £7.

The Folly: There are two forthcoming events at the Folly connected to the Family Stories Exhibition organised by the Yorkshire Archaeological Society to celebrate its 150th Anniversary. On Saturday at 7.30pm there will be a talk by food historian Peter Brears on Yorkshire Housekeeping and Food: The Archival Evidence. Mr Brears will look at the archival and ephemeral evidence relating to food in Yorkshire, including account books, recipe books, diaries, menus, collectors’ notebooks, dialect and poetry from the 17th to early 20th century. Then on Wednesday, from 2pm to 4.30pm, there will be a workshop with North Yorkshire County Record Office staff, called Family History in the Archives: an Afternoon Teach-in. Two archivists, Keith Sweetmore and Ellen Southwell, will give an update on the use of online sources such as census returns, registration records, parish registers, deeds and wills. Tickets for both events cost £6 from the Folly or call 01729 822893.

Fun day: Settle Cricket Club will hold a rounders fun day on Sunday. The cost is £2 per person and anyone over the age of 15 is eligible to join a team. There is a maximum of four men allowed per team. There will be a barbecue, bouncy castle and music during the day and the matches start at 1pm with teams being registered between 11am and noon. For further details. contact 07957 377550.

Play cricket: The second of Settle Cricket Club’s Play Cricket weeks for children and young people over the age of seven starts on Monday and will include coaching, games and fun activities. The cost is £10 per day for Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday, with a discount for a full week’s booking. The day will run from 10am to 3pm and participants should bring a packed lunch. On Wednesday, there will be a special cricket day sponsored by Yorkshire Cricket at a cost of £1 per child. For details, contact 07973 640277.

Rocky’s Plaice: Rocky’s Plaice holiday club, run by Churches Together in Settle and District, will run from Monday to Wednesday. This is a free activity club with games, crafts and bible stories. It runs from 10am to noon at St John’s Church Hall and is suitable for five to 11 year olds. For details, contact 01729 851860.

Victoria Hall: Next Friday, August 16, there will be a performance by The Hut People, who play a mix of British, Nordic and European folk music, mixed with home-grown tunes. Chris Bannister performs the music of John Denver on Friday, August 30. For details of tickets and times, contact the box office on 01729 825718 or visit

Artisans fair: The monthly artisan fair will take place at the Victoria Hall next Saturday, August 17, from 9am to 3pm, when Yorkshire Trike Tours will be bringing their Boom Trike. There will be all kinds of quality handmade goods and gifts on sale, as well as the return of the pop-up hessian and lace cafe. The heritage spinners and knitters will be returning to help their new knitters finish off their projects. Author Annette Brown will also be visiting to sign and sell copies of her latest book, Escape to Africa.

Walk for All: The Jane Tomlinson Yorkshire Dales Walking Festival takes place in Settle next Sunday, August 18. There will be 28-mile, 14-mile and five-mile routes, with prices for entry starting at £8 per person. Further details and information about registration are available via Even if you are not walking yourself, why not come along and support the walkers and enjoy the crafts on sale and a range of stalls and activities on the rugby field.

Strawberry tea: Age UK is holding at strawberry tea with music at St John’s Hall on Wednesday, August 21, between 2pm and 4pm. Tickets cost £3 from the Age UK shop or via 01729 823066.

Tot Lord Trail: The next two trails will take place on Thursdays August 22 and 29. These walks provide a chance to find out about one of the town’s most colourful characters. Participants should meet outside Settle Tourist Information Centre for a 6.15pm start. Tickets cost £4 with all proceeds going to Oxfam. For further information, contact Richard Whinray on 01524 242414

Linton Court: The current exhibition at Linton Court Gallery is entitled Norman Adams at Home and Abroad and will feature watercolours of Yorkshire, Italy and Provence. The exhibition runs until September 7. There will be a special event on Saturday from 1pm to 4pm at which wine and soft drinks will be available.

Summer Shock: Summer Shock – a free event for young people aged between 11 and 25 – will take place at Settle College Lower School on Wednesday, August 21, from 3pm to 10pm. There will be a barbecue, skate park and rodeo as well as the chance to take part in dance sessions, fencing, art and crafts, a DJ session and Photoshop and street art workshops.

Tramps: The next film showing by Tramps at the Victoria Hall will be the French classic Manon des Sources. This will be shown on Wednesday, August 28, at 7.45pm and tickets cost £5.

Settle Stories: The Settle Stories festival takes place in October, so now is the time to be thinking about your entries for the competitions. The first competition is for stories on a postcard. The card should be no more than 6ins by 4ins and the stories will be featured in a display during the festival and in Mumbai, India. The favourite 30 stories will be published in book format. The closing date is September 15. Alternatively, you can tell a story, with the winner taking part in the festival itself and receiving a £50 Amazon voucher. The stories can be on any topic, should last no more than 10 minutes and should be uploaded to the website by September 25. Details of both competitions can be found at

Table top sale: Sisters Zoe and Faye Jackson, of Settle, organised and held a charity stall in aid of Coniston Mountain Rescue Team and Clapham Cave Rescue Organisation in memory of their friend and neighbour Duncan Pawson. Helped by members of Duncan’s family, their own family, friends and neighbours, the sum of £200 was raised, to be divided equally between the two charities