History Society: Members visited Grassington for a guided tour with Ian Goldthorpe. The walk was based on his booklet, One hundred things to see on a walk through Grassington. They were able to see many of its fascinating buildings and learn a little of their history. One of the finest buildings is the Town Head Farmhouse, largely dating from the early 17th century and belonging to the Trustees of the Fountaine Hospital in Linton.

Oddfellows: Skipton District Oddfellows raised more than £650 for the Leonard Cheshire Homes with its Dambusters Week. Frank’s music quiz night will be held from 8pm on Saturday and tickets are still available for the Allo Allo murder mystery night next Saturday, August 17. The cost is £10 for members and £12.50 for non-members and includes a three-course meal. For more information, contact 01756 798022.