Women’s Institute: Grassington WI met last week and enjoyed a beetle drive and social evening, with members sampling food and wine that others brought along. The next meeting will be held on Wednesday, September 4, at 7.30pm in the Games Room of Grassington Town Hall where Elizabeth Webb, of Newtons solicitors, will give a talk on Wills and Power of Attorney. Visitors are welcome.

In Bloom: Splits from larger garden plants would be welcomed by the Grassington in Bloom team for the border at the entrance to the Royal Mail sorting office on Hebden Road. Any donations can be left at The Flower Loft with Julia Metcalfe or with Diane Mackridge, who can be contacted on dianemackridge@gmail.com or Judith Groves on johnfgroves@ hotmail.com Driving volunteers: More volunteer drivers for the charity Helping Hands would be welcomed. Geoff Peacock, co-ordinator, says the drivers won’t necessarily be asked to do more than one journey a month and the journeys would take in Airedale Hospital, Bradford Royal Infirmary and other medical appointments. The Hub in Grassington will make arrangements for those with a travel need. For more information, telephone 01756 752222.

Players coffee: Grassington Players are holding a coffee morning in Church House, Gras