There was more than enough to go around when a swishing event was held at Skipton Baptist Church as part of One World Week.

For a £4 admission charge, people brought along items they no longer required but were in good condition and, after browsing and trying on, took home as many things as they wanted.

What was left was taken by Oxfam and if there was more than one person who wanted an item a dice was thrown to decide who got it.

The most popular item was a vintage wool coat in autumn colours which, after throwing a dice, became the property of Lucy Irven.

During the evening, Liz Roodhouse, co-ordinator for Craven Development Education Centre, told swishers that, in the UK, one tonne of textiles was put into landfill every 30 seconds and a recent survey had found that half the clothing bought by British women in 2012 had never been worn.

“We all need to think more carefully about what we buy and how we dispose of our unwanted clothes and fashion accessories and not waste our wardrobes,” said Liz.

The event reflected the One World Week theme – More Than Enough?