Amended plans by Keelham Farm Shop to re-use existing buildings for its new Skipton store are being recommended for approval – despite fears it will not be as attractive as originally planned.

The Bradford-based award-winning farm shop had intended to build a new, eco-friendly modern-looking store on the site of the former Nicholas Smiths garage at Gargrave Road, close to the Little Chef roundabout.

But after being given planning permission by Craven District Council in February this year, it discovered the cost of preparing the site would take costs well over budget.

Now, its plans, to be decided on Monday by the council’s planning committee, seek the use of the former garage buildings.

The approved wind turbine has been removed and the number of planned car parking spaces reduced from 121 to 105, but the activity barn remains and the pair of semi-detached houses next to the site will still be demolished.

Stirton with Thorlby Parish Meeting, although supporting the principle of the development, has objected to proposed “wholesale changes”.

Its members say that what was an ‘“adventurous, creatively-designed, environmentally-friendly food outlet” will now look like any other supermarket in Skipton.

But councillors will be advised although the building will be less aesthetically pleasing and the design not as innovative, it has to be considered on its own merits and that the committee cannot “base a decision on the proposed amendments on a preference for the previously-approved scheme”.

The revised proposals will have no greater visual impact on what is there at the moment and with landscaping should actually be better, says a report to the meeting, which will take place at the council offices in Belle Vue Square, at 1.35pm.