Embsay churches: A thank-you goes to everyone who supported the St Mary’s quiz night on Friday at the Vestry Rooms at Holy Trinity. The Methodist Guild meets today at 2pm when the speaker will be Sheila Bloomfield, who will talk about her holidays in Uzbekistan and Tajikstan. This Sunday will see St Mary’s celebrating a parish communion at 9.30am. At the Methodist Church, the 10.30am Holy Communion service will be led by the Rev Janet Clasper.

Police surgery: PCSO Ruth Pearson’s next Samuel Taylor drop-in surgery will be tomorrow between 2pm and 3pm.

Women’s Institute: The next WI meeting is on Tuesday at 7.30pm in the village hall. The speaker will be Mike Armstrong, an award-winning baker at Sainsbury’s in Keighley. The title of his talk is ‘Baking bread with an Easter-related theme’. Mike is well known for his work in schools and as a judge in area competitions. One of his recipes for Parkin was chosen by a competitor in The Great British Bake Off. All are welcome, with a £3 admission charge for visitors.

Parish council: Following a packed extraordinary meeting of Embsay-with-Eastby Parish Council, members have decided to object to an outline planning application for residential development on land off Skipton Road. They are concerned the houses would be built on land dominated by a high water table.

Collection appeal: Clothes, shoes, bags and bedding will be collected at the pre-school on Wednesday morning. To arrange collection, call Judith or Emma on 01756 791123.