Rural association: President Beryl Morphet welcomed members to the annual general meeting of Ingleton Rural Community Association. She thanked the centre staff for their work during the year and the people who use the centre regularly, especially the women who help at the table top sales, craft and jumble sales. She mentioned some of the successful events during the year, such as the gala, the Wild West Weekend, 1940s Weekend and the fireworks event. She also appreciated the efforts of the Tradespeople and Ingleton in Bloom. Chairman Carl Lis opened his report by saying that the partnership of the IRCA and the parish council continued to work well. He also thanked all the volunteers who helped to keep the centre active and well used. He said Ingleton Community Centre was a shining example of community participation. The installation of a photo voltaic system on the centre’s roof had resulted in more than £1,500 in feed-in tariff funds. The swimming pool had enjoyed a good season and the sewage system had been renewed. The officers were all re-elected. The Post Office was discussed and it is hoped that a temporary alternative can be arranged in the community centre two days a week, possibly Tuesdays and Wednesdays, until a permanent location can be found. There cannot be a starting date until a separate phone line has been installed. In the meantime, parcels can be addressed “care of the community centre” if no one will be at home when they are delivered. It was agreed that the Anne Frank exhibition should go ahead. A report from the parish council confirmed that the local ambulance service will be enhanced by an increase in staff. Next Thursday, February 27, Christians Against Poverty is holding the first of three sessions at the Methodist Church at 7.30pm. The NSPCC is holding a table top sale at the Centre on March 9. The winner of £20 in the 200 Club was Alan Robinson, second with £10 was Hazel Farrer and Thelma Yates, Mary Reid and John Clapham each won £5.