Annual meeting: Skipton Royal Naval Association will hold its annual general meeting on Tuesday. It will take place in the RAFA club on Shortbank Road at 7.30pm. The positions of treasurer, secretary and welfare officer are up for re-election and candidates should notify the secretary at 4 Tile Close, Skipton, BD23 2LG.

94 Club: The speakers at tonight’s meeting will tell the story of their daughter who was diagnosed with acute myeloid leukaemia at 20 months and was given little hope of survival. But with a pioneering stem cell transplant as a last resort, Sorrel is now a happy, healthy nine-year-old. Everyone is welcome to come and hear this story in the Soroptimist Rooms, on Otley Street, at 7.30pm.

Parkinson’s UK: Mr and Mrs Fothergill gave a talk about the Orkney Islands where they lived for 18 years. On March 20, the branch will hold its annual general meeting at the Soroptimist Rooms at 2.15pm. It will be followed by a talk from Margaret Ormerod, the specialist nurse who has just been appointed for the Craven area.

Retired Men’s Forum: Colin Rogerson showed slides of a visit he had made to Thailand, Hong Kong and Singapore. Next week, John Gilligan will describe a Caribbean Adventure.

Oddfellows: Fish and Chip Bingo will be held on Tuesday, when the club will be open from 11.30am. There is a quiz night every Thursday from 9.30pm. Frank will host his music quiz night next Saturday, March 8, from 8.30pm and there will be live entertainment for St Patrick’s Night on Saturday, March 15. For more details, contact 01756 798022.

Dalesway WI: Yesmien Bagh Ali gave a talk to members on culture, customs and her life experiences. At the next meeting at 7.30pm on Wednesday at the Three Links Club, Courtyard Planters, from Otley, will give a demonstration and tips on planting and display, and there will be a sale of plants. Seven members attended the meeting of the Lunch Club at the Woolly Sheep in Skipton.

Gardeners Club: Kate Burnet, from Courtyard Planters in Otley, gave comprehensive details on successfully growing herbs, lavenders and wildflowers at the February meeting. At the next meeting on Wednesday, March 19, at 7.30pm in the Soroptimist Rooms, Otley Street, Jeff Hutchings will talk about Growing Hardy Orchids. All are welcome.

Craven Ramblers: On Sunday, a party of 29 ramblers left Burnsall for an eight-mile walk to Trollers Gill. The weather was kind and extensive views were enjoyed of the rolling countryside. The return journey was via Howgill and the riverside back to Burnsall. The next Craven walk is next Saturday, March 8, from Barnoldswick. For details of this 7.5-mile walk, ring 07855 202315

Women’s Institute: The chairman, Eileen Rawson, welcomed the new members and gave a talk about the workings of the WI. Peter Higginbotham spoke about The Workhouse, which proved to be both informative and entertaining. Kate Pattinson proposed the vote of thanks. The next meeting will be on Tuesday, March 18, at 7.30pm at the Soroptimist Rooms, Otley Street, when the speaker will be Angela Henson on Volcanoes across Europe. The competition will be for a limerick.

Fine arts: The Skipton and Wharfedale Decorative and Fine Arts Society will meet next Thursday, March 6. The meeting will start at 7pm, with coffee before the lecture begins at 7.30pm. The speaker is to be Lynne Gibson and her illustrated talk is called Culture and Kitsch: Art and Taste. The meeting will be held in Skipton Town Hall and there is an admission charge of £7 for guests.