WEST Craven residents are invited to give their views on a range of issues relating to dogs.

From stray dogs to dogs perceived to be a danger, dog fouling to dog control orders, Pendle Council is carrying out a consultation to gauge public opinion.

This follows executive councillors agreeing to set up a working group to look at the impact of such issues on quality of life in Pendle.

In late October the executive considered a report outlining the council’s present controls on dogs and how these will be affected by the new Anti Social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act.

Councillors have set up a working group and are carrying out a survey to give residents the chance to have a say on dog-related issues. This consultation - which include street surveys and an online questionnaire which is available at pendle.gov.uk/haveyoursay - runs from early December to mid-January.

The survey will be shared with town and parish councils, residents’ and community groups, dog interest and welfare groups and the council’s area committees.

Once the results of the consultation have been analysed, the working group will make a series of recommendations to the council if it can identify better ways of working or if it feels new controls are needed.