CRAVEN bookworms can now enjoy more stories online.

North Yorkshire County Council's library services have provided new digital resources.

Among them are Ziptales, interactive stories designed to motivate children to improve their reading.

The range of e-books now includes ComicsPlus, which offers access to 25,000 e-graphic novels and e-comics.

County Councillor Chris Metcalfe, executive member for library and information services, said: "Reading for pleasure can benefit the attainment and life chances of every child and this new service will encourage and develop that enjoyment.

"I'm pleased that even at a time of austerity, we can offer access to additional resources which add value and variety to the digital services from our libraries."

Library members can view the catalogue at Ziptales can be found in the Skills and Learning menu.

To become a member, visit or call at a library.