IT is understandable that Andy Brown wants to talk up his electoral prospects and those of his Green Party colleagues (Craven Herald letters, June 15) but in the interests of balance and transparency it should be pointed out that at the 2019 general election in Skipton and Ripon Mr Brown got less than five percent of the votes cast and even in these bizarre times it is hard to see him posing the principal challenge to the sitting Conservative MP at the next election.

Coun Brown goes on at some length about the record of Brighton Pavilion MP Caroline Lucas but readers should also be aware that at this year’s local elections when the voters of Brighton had a chance to give their verdict on the Green Party’s record in office, as the leading party in a coalition with the Tories, 13 of their 20 councillors lost their seats – including the council leader.

Closer to home, in York, where the Greens had been running the council in coalition with the Lib Dems all three Green councillors lost their seats in May’s local elections.

What is clear is that whilst Mr Brown and the Green Party might talk a good game, when they are given the chance to put their policies into practice the electorate tend to find them wanting.


Mike Smith
