This month’s health and lifestyle column from Corinne Yeadon, of the Being Better private therapy practice in Skipton

NEW year, new you. It’s that time of year again, dust off the dumbbells and count those calories, which is fine if that works for you.

There’s no doubt that physical wellness and fitness impacts positively on mental and emotional health, but not so much if you are not sold on it and are dragging your feet. Words are powerful and reframing language can make all the difference to our motivation and mindset.

Resolutions can become intentions, diet and exercise, health plans or programmes. Begrudgingly exercising and feeling punished by diets does not make for a happy new you. The little devil will soon start whispering in your ear, cajoling you to hunker down in the warm and justifying why you deserve that pizza with extra cheese. Instead of shushing that intrusive voice, let it be heard, journal about your thoughts and feelings, it is easier to identify rational or irrational beliefs or if it’s our inner saboteur at play.

It's worth questioning, what is your motivation to make changes? What do you hope the change will give you? If we are perfectly honest, most of us want to continue daily habits without negative consequences and a magical, instant transformation would be a bonus. We need quick wins to keep the momentum going, start small and simple, even if its drinking more water or eating more fruit.

You have to start somewhere and it’s a foundation for change. Celebrate daily wins rather than focusing on what wasn’t achieved. None of us are the finished item, we all have areas and potential for growth and development.

There are many aspects to self care beyond physical, we might want to exercise our brains more, honour our spirituality, nurture emotional health or give attention to social contact. Doing a little bit each day is the first step in genuinely valuing ourselves.