DEVELOPER Candelisa is seeking detailed consent for the second employment phase of its already approved Anley Crag Business Park development on the outskirts of Settle.

Following the approval of outline planning permission in 2017, the Skipton-based developer has submitted a reserved matters application -covering appearance, landscaping, layout and scale, for the second phase of its employment led mixed-use development on the site, next to the A65.

In submissions with the reserved matters application to North Yorkshire Council, the developer says the site has been identified in the Craven Local Plan as an employment mixed use site.

In a sustainable design and construction statement. it states: "This policy aims to increase economic activity and business growth and diversify and generate business growth within the local economy. This development is the only site within the locality to be able to support this use and as such is an excellent use of land."

It states there are strong connection routes to North and West Yorkshire and also Lancashire and on a more 'local scale' the 'development proposal is incorporating improvements to the bus network through the introduction of dedicated Bus Stops and direct links into the development.'

It proposes the use of materials in keeping with the traditional agriculture and industrial buildings of the area and, 'additional landscaping features and wildlife enhancements' as agreed in the outline consent.

A spokesperson for Candelisa said: "The application submitted is a reserved matters application for phase two of the commercial development for our Anley Crag scheme in Settle.  The site is an important employment development site for the Craven area of North Yorkshire.  Development of this phase will deliver 28,500 sq.ft of employment space, significantly contributing to the local economy."