CONISTON Cold farmer John Henderson is backing an Early Day Motion (EDM) expressing concern at the rising levels of stone theft across Yorkshire.

The motion has been tabled by Leeds North West MP Greg Mulholland.

The MP says West Yorkshire Police has seen an 18 per cent increase in theft of Yorkshire stone in the last year with many thefts taking place during the day.

Properties targeted include schools, homes, farms and churches.

Mr Henderson, who is president of CLA Yorkshire, has himself been a victim of stone thieves, with top stones stolen from roadside walls as well as roof slates from barns.

He said: “Stone theft is a real problem for farmers and landowners and I would welcome any new measures to deter criminals.”

CLA North Regional Director Dorothy Fairburn agreed, adding: “We strongly agree with Mr Holland that this is a real issue in rural Yorkshire and our region’s heritage is being placed under threat.

“The CLA fought hard to introduce tougher legislation in the battle against metal theft, which led to an immediate 40 per cent fall in the number of offences. It would appear that criminals have now moved their attention to stone as a new target.”

Mr Holland’s EDM calls for a dedicated stone theft taskforce to be set up, similar to the National Metal Theft Taskforce, with stronger fines and sentences. It also calls for a national awareness-raising campaign for households and businesses to check where their stone is from.