A VISIT to the walled garden at Malham Tarn House last July so inspired members of Hellifield Area Allotments and Gardens Association that they decided to donate seeds and other gardening supplies to the project.

Derelict for about 90 years, the garden, high above Malham Tarn, is being restored by National Trust wardens and dedicated volunteers.

Battling the elements and local wildlife intent on making a meal of their efforts, the hard work of the past couple of years has paid off and the volunteers' ambition to supply the Malham Tarn Field Centre with fresh seasonal vegetables and fruit from the garden looks well on the way to being achieved.

The presentation of the gifts will be made at the association’s coffee morning in Hellifield Village Institute on Saturday at around 11am. National Trust warden Roisin Black, a member of HAAGA, will accept the donation on behalf of the volunteers.

Roisin will return with fellow NT warden Seb Mankelow to give a talk to HAAGA members about Responsible Foraging. This will take place on Monday, April 25, at 7.30pm in the Yorke Room of Hellifield Village Institute. All are welcome to attend.

For further information, contact David Gooch on 01729 850886 or email david.j.gooch@btinternet.com