Sir – I was heartened to see that Craven District Council plans to improve facilities at Aireville Park.

It’s a lovely park and a real haven in our busy tourist town.

As a pensioner, I have no interest in skate parks, pump tracks (whatever they are) and the like (not sure the knees would be up to it!), but if that’s what the young people are into then why not.

It’s out of the way of houses so is a good place for them to gather (as long as the local PCSO keeps an eye on things).

I do wish dog owners would treat the place with more respect though.

At times it can be a real minefield of mess and you have to keep your eyes on the ground at all times.

It’s also worrying that so many dogs are allowed to run up to small children. It just takes one toddler to poke a dog in the eye for things to turn nasty, for example.

Mr G Turner, Skipton