Sir – Although not wishing to comment on any individual cases, there appears to have been quite a number of domestic violence court cases in the Craven Herald recently.

It is right that these people should be shamed – in fact it’s a shame you don’t publish pictures of such cowards – but what stuns me is the leniency of the sentencing.

Having lived with an abusive and sometimes violent partner for many years, I felt trapped and unsupported by our local services.

This was made worse when a neighbour called the police who arrested him, only for all charges to be dropped on the advice of the CPS.

Later I discovered he had a history of violence, including a criminal record for putting a former partner in hospital. However, he had never been to jail.

As a society we should protect vulnerable people from violent and abusive people.

Sadly community orders and fines are no deterrent whatsoever.

You only have to wander down Skipton town centre (by no means a “rough town”) after midnight on a Saturday to witness some drunken neanderthal arguing aggressively, often abusively, with his girlfried.

There should be a zero tolerance approach. No excuses, and certainly not alcohol. If you can’t handle your drink, don’t drink.

Two women are killed every week in this country as a result of domestic violence. We shouldn’t tolerate it any longer.

Name suppplied