Sir – Oh dear I’ve missed them, why didn’t I wait until after the collection before going out?

My garden waste bin has not been emptied again.

I’m going to have to ring the council, again!

I was disappointed earlier in the year to be notified that if I wanted my garden waste to be collected it was to be charged for.

I decided to join the scheme and in early May paid the £24 fee and awaited receipt of my license to display on my bin.

Weeks went by without receiving the license, my neighbours all displaying their shiny new tags on their bins (leaving me feeling slightly guilty putting my bin out without a tag).

I have been fortunate that until yesterday I have heard the collection waggon coming and have been able to speak to the driver who after consulting a list of participants has duly emptied my bin.

I must point out that I have repeatedly rung the council to tell them of the problem, to be informed on each occasion that they were sorry for the delay and that my license would be issued soon.

It is now six months since I paid the collection fee and after my repeated requests and their promises still await my license tag. I don’t consider that I am being unreasonable in putting pen to paper to name and shame Craven District Council.

Andrew Howcroft, Skipton