Sir – It would seem modern day British politicians are now completely detached from reality.

This week alone they have shown they are in complete denial of the truth.

First we had the nonsense of climbing on the popular bandwagon of blaming energy companies, not energy policy, for putting millions of us into fuel poverty.

The monumental failure of wind and solar power, gradually being abandoned by the rest of the world, means our electricity prices are now the most expensive of all main industrial economies, driving manufacturing abroad as well as impoverishing old age pensioners.

Second we have the nonsense of trying to cap pension fund charges at 0.75 per cent, referring to companies who “rip us off”.

Pensioners are, of course, “ripped off” but it is by government.

Zero interest rates on our savings, annuities not worth buying and inflation at double the rate they tell us.

The thrifty and hard working baby boomer – I am one – has been hung out to dry by the central and retail banksters.

How can we ever put them right when our professional journeymen politicians stay in denial?

Godfrey Bloom, MEP for Yorkshire and North Lincolnshire